Fire Department

The Ashern & Eriksdale Fire Departments serve the citizens of the RM of West Interlake including the communities of Ashern, Eriksdale, Narrows and Vogar covering a approximate area of 1,621.30 square kilometers and a population of 2,162 (2016 census). Our Fire Departments are ran by a group of dedicated volunteers. Fire Departments respond to various incidents in the municipality such as motor vehicle collisions, ag/grass fires, structure fires, vehicle fires, search and rescues, STARS assistance, and mutual aid calls.

All open fire burning in the RM of West Interlake requires a burning permit. Burning permits are free and can be obtained at a municipal office. Fire pits do not require a burning permit.

Fire Chiefs:

  • Ashern Fire Department - Ken Falk
  • Eriksdale Fire Department - Randy Mason

Our Fire Departments are made possible by volunteers. If you are interested in joining a department, contact your local Fire Chief.

For all fire emergencies please dial 9 1 1

Fire Resource Information:

Wildfire Evacuation Brochure Wildfire Safety-Fire Travel Restrictions