What documentation is required to make the building permit application?
- A site plan
- One complete set of blueprints of proposed dwelling or addition (plan alteration must be authorized or it may be subject to additional fees up to $2000.00)
- Proposed building site elecation in flood prone areas
- Survey of property if survey pins cannot be located
Engineer Seel required for the following:
- Foundation wall over 12 meters in length
- Thickened edge slab over 1000 sq ft
- Any building with a second storey (finished or unfinished) on a thickened edge slab
- Footings and foundations less that 4 feet 6 inches or 1.37 meters below finished grade
- Preserved wood foundations, wood grade beam and insulated concrete (ICF) basement or grade beam less that 8" thick.
- Wood basement
- Pile foundations not conforming to section D. & E. and all pile foundations for dwellings of more that one storey.
- Timber frame and log construction
- Post and beam construction with posts spaced more than 2 feet apart per
- Above grade concrete walls less that 6" thick
- Post and pad type foundation
- All foundations within 213.36m (700 ft) of a lake (RM of St. Laurent only)