The E.M. Crowe Hospital
The E.M. Crowe Hospital and the Eriksdale Personal Care Home are operated by the Interlake Regional Health Authority, who also maintain health care facilities in Ashern, Lundar and Gypsumville.
The hospital is a 13 bed facility, with a palliative care suite and a 20 bed personal care home attached. There is a medical clinic in Eriksdale which is staffed by two physicians. One other physician also works in the facility.
The East Shore Ambulance provides service to the residents of Eriksdale.
Other services provided are:
- Hearing Specialists
- Physiotherapists
- Dietitian
- Home Care
- Community Resources
- District Health Nurse
- Mental Health Coordinator
- Crisis and Abuse Resource Centre
- Red Cross
- AA/Al-Anon
- Optometrist
- Handivan service
- Lab and Xray service
- Ultrasound
- Tele Health
The Eriksdale Community Health Office is located in the B. McKinnon Wellness Centre, located at #35 Railway Avenue in Eriksdale, Tel: 204-739-2777.
Visit this website link for details and/or more information.