A Zoning Variance allows for an exception to the regulating Zoning By-Law as it applies to a specific property. For example, a Zoning By-Law may specify that a building on a residential lot must be set back a minimum of thirty feet (30 ft) from the front property line. A Zoning Variance would allow the Property Owner to vary this 30’ setback to a distance which is less than 30’. In this case, a Property Owner would apply for a Front Yard Variance to build closer than the regulating By-Law permits.
When Is A Zoning Variance Required?
A Zoning Variance is required when a property owner proposes to build a structure on a parcel of land in a manner that does not conform to required zoning regulations, such as setbacks, site coverage, building height, or unit area, and, therefore, might affect adjacent land owners or properties.
What Is Required From The Property Owner/ Applicant To Apply For A Zoning Variance?
A site plan, and a cheque in the amount of $250.00 made out to: Western Interlake Planning District.
What Is The Purpose Of A Zoning Variance Hearing?
The Municipal Council holds Zoning Variance hearings monthly to provide an open and fair forum where all sides in each case can be heard. Council hears all representations in favor and against the Zoning Variance Application before ruling on the Applicant’s proposal.
Can I Make Representation At Council Regarding A Zoning Variance Application?
The applicant and any affected land owner will have the opportunity to make representation to Council and is strongly encouraged to be at the meeting on the date specified in the notice.
When Do I Hear If My Zoning Variance Has Been Approved Or Rejected?
Property Owners will hear if their application has been approved or rejected once a decision is made. Our office will mail you the notice. Once you have received this notice, you may act upon the variance approved.
Will My Neighbours Be Notified?
YES. Notices are mailed out to all landowners within a one-hundred (100) meter radius (328 ft).
Can I Get A Refund If My Application Is Rejected?
No. The monies collected for the application are used to cover the costs of processing and mailing.
Can I Appeal The Municipal Council’s Decision If My Application Is Rejected?
No. Council’s decision is FINAL and there is NO APPEAL.
Do I Require Any Other Permits Or Approvals?
Manitoba Department of Infrastructure and Transportation approval is required if any structure or use is located within a highway control corridor or intersection circle; and, for any planting within 125 feet of a Provincial Road or Highway Right-of-Way. Other permits or approvals may be required. Please discuss your proposal with WIPD staff for more information.
What Do I Require To Apply For A Variance?
Site Plan
Applicable Fee
Where Do I Apply For A Variance?
PTH #6 & Veterans Memorial Rd (Recreation Centre)
Western Interlake Planning District
Box 269, St. Laurent, Manitoba R0C 2S0
Hours - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday
For further information please contact the Planning Office at: