Choice Hotels

Save up to 15% when you stay at Choice Hotels®, which includes Comfort™, Quality®, Clarion®, and a few others like the upscale Ascend Hotel Collection®. There are over 325 Choice locations spanning all provinces and over 6,300 worldwide. Hotels are conveniently located near major airports, key highways, and business districts.

Connect easily with colleagues and friends using free high-speed internet and jump-start your day with free breakfast at most locations. Unlike many other hotel discount programs, members can use the discount for both business and leisure travel. Members will be able to offer it to their staff and family if they own businesses, as long as they book using the MCC Client ID required in order for the discount to apply. As an additional feature, members who are looking to book 10+ rooms at a time for three days or more can contact the program administrator for a group rate, which may provide a larger savings than their Client ID can provide.

For the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Choice Client ID# and to learn more about earning rewards when you travel with the ChoicePrivileges® rewards program, click here.

A New Way to Book Online!

Choice Hotels Canada will soon migrate to a new website, which will affect how you book. Here’s what you need to know!

Starting today, ensure a seamless booking process on

Preferred Customer Savings Rate will display in the "Special Rate: menu box

  • To verify only, click the "Special Rate” menu box and scroll to the bottom to see "currently logged in as [your organization]”
  • Select your reservation details (destination using the drop down, dates, and the number of guests)
  • Click "Find Hotels”
  • All Choice Hotels for your selected destination will display
  • Click "Check Availability” at the hotel you want to book
  • Discounted rates will display, as well as other tabs and rates
  • Click "Book Now” to make your reservation for the selected room type and rate