Ashern Central School
Mission Statement:
"Learning, Growing and Leading Together
PO Box 1200, Ashern, MB
R0C 0E0
Principal: Robert Ellis
Vice Principal: Memory Halldorson
About Our School
Ashern Central School is a grade 5 to 12 school. Our grade 5-8 students live in the town of Ashern and surrounding area. Our high school students come from many nearby communities.
At ACS, we try to offer our students many different experiences and opportunities. Students from grades 5-12 can explore the regular school subjects as well as the Visual Arts, Drama, Music, computer-based courses, power mechanics, woodworking and many other opportunities.
We are a tight knit group of learners who gather each month at assemblies to celebrate the success of our students. We value leadership and working to our highest potential.
Our learning support and guidance programs ensure that all of our students receive the most suitable programming available, and follow the best path to graduation and their own personal career and life choices. We are proud of our school's multicultural nature, and the respect and appreciation developed by working, learning, and growing together. We may come from different homes and backgrounds, and have different strengths and talents, but we are all members of the Ashern Central School community.
With our students and their families as full partners, we will work to help develop:
- Strong literacy and numeracy skills that will support students in their future endeavors.
- Future leaders with a strong basis in the implementation of the 7 Habits for Success in their daily lives.
School Highlights
Our Middle Years was again a vibrant place. In October, students were inspired during their trip to WE Day, and from that event, two students raised money for children in developing countries through the sale of bracelets.
Throughout the year, students were able to discover the exciting side of science through working with Mr. Waldner. During this time, students performed experiments and investigations to enrich their science learning.
An exciting new opportunity for our grade 5 to 8’s this year was the addition of curling to our Phys. Ed program. Students traveled to Moosehorn to learn the fundamentals of this sport. We then held our first annual ACS Curling Bonspiel which was a fun event that all Middle Years students participated in.
We have had many exciting events throughout the year at Ashern Central School.
This year, we created a new social justice group. Students Taking Action At Ashern Central School (STAAACS). STAAACS worked on several projects throughout the year. In October, they did a food drive for WE Scare Hunger. They also did a food and toy drive for two families in time for Christmas. Finally, they fundraised to bring a Live Differently presentation to our school.
We celebrated a high school provincial championship team at ACS this year. Congratulations goes out to our girls’ curling team, Talyia Tober, Tansy Tober, Kira Tritthart, Alyssa Tritthart and their coach, Terri Otto. The girls were dominant at both the Zones and Provincial bonspiels. We also wish to highlight Talyia Tober who was a great representative for us at Lakeshore’s Proficiency Awards.
Goal #1:
Once again, this year, we have focused on improving our reading in our school. We are striving to have all our students gain at least one year of reading each school year. We also focus on implementing intervention programs to attempt to have all students reading at their appropriate grade level.
At the year-end testing based on Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment, 97% of our students in grade 7 and 8 grew at least one full year in reading and 36% of the students grew two or more years in their reading. In grade 5, we had 70% of our students grow at least one grade levels, with 30% grow more than two grade levels. In our Middle years, 75% of students are reading at grade level.
In our high school, we have seen a marked increase in our students who are reading about the functionally literate level. This school year, we had over 97% of our high school students receive their ELA credit.
Goal #2:
The second goal at ACS is to work to improve our math proficiency, especially based around the foundational outcomes in the grades 5 to 9 area.
In our first full year of grade 9 math, we had a 95% passing rate. In all grade 10 and 11 math classes offered this year, we had 97% of the students receive a minimum of a passing grade.
Each June, our school completes a baseline math assessment which assesses students on all outcomes they are to learn that year. The past two years, the average mark for the grade 9s has been 40%, this year with a focus on foundational outcomes and full year Math, the average increased to over 66%. Our biggest growth has been in the Number strand, where students increased their understanding by over 30% from the first baseline assessment.
The first year that the assessment was completed, the average for our students was 33%. It increased this year to an average of 58% with 13 out of 16 students passing the assessment. We have made the biggest gains in the areas of number and statistics and probability with at least 25% gain in both areas.